Looking for a professional paving cleaning company in Leicester? complete the form or call today for a free quote!
Unfortunately due to the Leicester climate block paving can become infested with weeds, grass, algae, lichen, and moss; this means your investment can start to look a bit of an eyesore, like the one in the image left. As we are all leading busy lives you may not have time to attend to this messy job yourself. Don’t worry, professional help is at hand. Our team possess the methods and procedures to restore your paving and give you a clean driveway at a fraction of its initial installation cost.
To further enhance and protect your paving, we also offer the additional service of block paving sealing. Rest assured that special features built into patios and other hard landscaped areas present no difficulty and can be restored to their original appearance. Swimming pool surrounds need special care when cleaning to ensure the pool itself is not contaminated, and our team will take particular care of these areas.
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