Looking for a professional block paving company in Leicester? Complete the form for a free quote!
We have been serving the people in Leicester for any years. Our block paving team can design and install virtually any block paving colour and pattern combination you can imagine! Therefore whatever style of home, we can compliment it, add value and functionality and enhance your living experience. Imagine coming home to a beautiful block paved drive from MGC Paving. Eradicate your off-road parking problems.
Block Paving - The Benefits
Block paving offers versatility and a range of design options that few other materials can match. Not only does block paving look good, it lasts for years. And, if the need arises for parts of the drive to be lifted for groundworks and sewer/utilities servicing or install, the block paving can be relaid, using the original block pavers and you won't see the join!
We have seen block paved driveways in Leicester that have been providing unbroken use for many years and more. It really is a great choice for most homeowners.
CALL: 0116 298 9894
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